
Showing posts from May, 2024


 Game is Monday at Derby City Field at 4pm- I will send rest of details later and rain update if needed 

Rest of week schedule

Thursday-  Practice- 3:45-6pm Friday - Practice- 3:45-6pm Saturday- 9am-10am (Optional Hitting)  Sunday- 3:30-5:30pm Monday- Time/Place TBA


 Players- Regional schedule is Monday, Wednesday, Friday - we will practice Sunday - our off day will be tomorrow (Wednesday) Regional Times are TBA 


 Boosters will provide Chick-Fil-A at 4:15- for all post seasons players, practice players, and managers  BP starts at 4:50 on field (only the 21 rostered hitting, others shagging)- Shorts and T-Shirt are good Bus Leaves at 6pm (round trip) Wearing all white, white hat, blue accessories  Roster in dugout - (can change from game to game)  Davis Rogers Landon Waugh Ryan Eubanks Isaac Meffert Andrew Whitmer Jake Noonan Andrew Key Brayden Nettles  Jaylen Bowie Jacob Pritchard Kelly Robertson Carson Shee Aidan Calhoun Tyler Cansler Ethan Carroll Mark Harmon Jr.  Landon Parrott Trevor Dugan Miles Mozejko  Ryan Boswell  Carson Key 


 Varsity - wearing all white, blue accessories  BP at 4:20, bands at 5pm Freshman- Bus leaves at 4:15, drop only 


 JV wearing- Baby blue hat, black jersey, baby blue pants.. blue accessories. Meet there hour before if not riding bus  F wearing White hat and pants,  black jersey, blue socks and blue belt.  Bus leaves at 4pm (drop only) Varsity wearing white pants, royal blue jersey, blue accessories, white hat BP after school (Eubanks signing at 4pm, bands at 4:45pm)

Post Season Roster

Post Season Roster- (21 in uniform, rest on practice squad, 21 can be inner-changeable from game to game but only 21 in dugout) Davis Rogers Landon Karrer Landon Waugh Ryan Eubanks Andrew Robertson Isaac Meffert Andrew Whitmer Jake Noonan Clay Noonan Andrew Key Brayden Nettles  Cameron Bertrand Ryan Stich Jaylen Bowie Jacob Pritchard Kelly Robertson Carson Shee Aidan Calhoun Tyler Cansler Ethan Carroll Mark Harmon Jr.  Landon Parrott Trevor Dugan Miles Mozejko  Ryan Boswell  Donovan Webber Carson Key James Harris 


 Varsity- BP after school - bus leaves at 3:50pm Wearing white pants, royal blue jersey, blue accessories, white hat-  JV- practice 5-6:30 Freshman- Coach Thomas informed 


 Varsity wearing grey and black, black accessories  BP after school- Bus leaves at 3:50pm (round trip) JV off Freshman- Coach Thomas will inform 

Wednesday JV/F

 Players- the JV/F game Wednesday——North Oldham can’t play the game, so we are moving it to AT North Oldham on Thursday- Same times-I have updated the schedule online 


 Varsity will practice 3:45-6pm- bands start at 3:45- shorts are ok JV- wearing All white, blue accessories BP 3:45-  Fresh BP starts at 6pm.  Wearing Royal Blue jersey and accessories with white hat and pants. *****Varsity off day Saturday, we will practice Sunday- time TBA- District tourny game is Monday, 7:30 pm- at CAL, vs CAL


 Jv  wearing- White pants Black Jersey White hat, black belt and socks-.. optional BP 1:30-2:00 or meet at Ballard 2:45. Fresh wearing black jersey, hat, socks and belt with gray pants tomorrow at Ballard. Varsity- wearing all baby blue- blue accessories  Optional BP at 8am, bus leaves at 8:30am If staying in Lexington, be at field at 10am


 Varsity wearing grey pants, black jersey, black accessories- BP at 4:45, Bus leaves at 5:30 JV/F wearing White hats and pants. Royal blue jersey and accessories.  JV BP at 3:45 F BP at 6

JV/F Thursday

 Players: Ballards outfield is too wet, they are moving the JV/F game today, to Saturday JV at 1pm, Freshman at 3pm - JV/F will hit today @ 4:30- will be done by Varsuty gametime 


 JV/F optional hitting after school- Bus leaves at 4pm, drop only  Both wearing black hat, black jersey, grey pants, black accessories  Varsity BP at 4pm- Bands at 4:30pm (Senior Ceremony starts at 5pm)  Wearing white pants, baby blue jersey, baby blue hat- blue accessories 


 JV/F canceled at Bullitt East JV game now added tomorrow after Varsity game, and Varsity game now 5:30pm, JV at 7:30 V/JV wearing all white with royal blue accessories-  Varsity BP at 3:45pm, bands at 4:30pm  JV BP at 6:15  Coach Thomas will inform freshman 


F/JV wearing  White pants and hat with Royal blue jersey belt and socks.  JV BP 3:50-4:20 Freshman BP at 6:15