Player/Parent Contract
Baseball Player & Parent Contract
As a Eastern Baseball player, you represent yourself, your family, your school, and your team. This is a big responsibility. The standards of being an athlete are much higher than that of a regular student. This is a privilege, not a right.
The following rules are designed for the
betterment of you and our program:
- If you are late/absent for an unexcused reason, you will run 10 timed double poles or field chores. You must notify coach before practice if you are going to be late or absent (just because you notify coach, does not mean it is excused). If you are absent for an illness, Coach reserves the right to request a doctors note. If you are at school, you are expected to be at practice. Repeat offenders will be suspended or removed from the team. Circumstantial unexcused absences will result in suspension/removal from team.
- If you are absent for an excused reason, you will have 5 double poles for your in-season conditioning. Unless circumstances deem unnecessary.
- You are required to be at baseball for Spring Break- date range varies each school year.
- No earrings will be worn at any baseball event, i.e. fundraisers, practice, or any other event. Shirts will be tucked in, and if wearing a hat it will be worn forward and straight.
- There will be no foul language used on the baseball field.
- There will be no arguing with the umpire or any member of the coaching staff. If a player is ejected, he will face KHSAA sanctions, plus a 3 game suspension.
- Do not throw any type of equipment.
- No Tobacco products of any kind.
- No Cell Phone use during practice time- zero
- If you are caught engaging in any illegal conduct, i.e. underage drinking, drug use, theft, or any other type of unlawful act, you will be removed from the team immediately.
- If you have detention, referral, or ISAP for any reason, you will have 10 timed double poles or field chores. Repeat offenders will be suspended or removed from the team.
- Suspension from school will result in a 3 game suspension. Second offense will result in removal from the team.
- Any type of behavior above, or not listed, which is detrimental to the team, will result in timed double poles, field chores, or any punishment that the coach deems necessary. For repeat offenders, or if action is severe enough on first occasion, suspension or removal from the team will occur.
- Parents or Guardians are not permitted to talk to ANY coach about playing time. It is the player’s responsibility to speak with Coach Graves on this matter. If you have any other issues, speak with Coach Graves only, no assistant coaches.
- Parents or Guardians are not permitted to discuss any issue after a game. You must call/email to set up an appointment to discuss the issue at a more appropriate time. Ph. (513) 236-9546Please follow proper chain of command when dealing with an issue.Coach Graves/Coach Scheper/Mr. CollinsStudent Signature_____________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________